Our Vision
Promote integrated and holistic youth development policies and projects for a sustainable and productive future for the youth in Africa’s higher education system / Promouvoir des politiques et des projets intégrés et holistiques de développement de la jeunesse pour un avenir durable et productif pour les jeunes dans le système d’enseignement supérieur africainOur Mission
Promote Pan-Africanism in the global arena driven by its own citizens / Promouvoir le panafricanisme sur la scène mondiale sous l’impulsion de ses propres citoyens.Objectives
- Develop ideas and methods for effective participation of youth in the public policy process / Développer des idées et des méthodes pour une participation efficace des jeunes dans le processus de politique publique.
- Organize public dialogue amongst the youth across different institutions of higher education and encourage participation in the implementation of national youth policies / Organiser un dialogue public entre les jeunes dans les différents établissements d’enseignement supérieur et encourager la participation à la mise en œuvre des politiques nationales de jeunesse.
- Carry out research and analysis of public policies, including monitoring and evaluation of the impact of these policies on the youth / Effectuer des recherches et des analyses des politiques publiques, y compris le suivi et l’évaluation de l’impact de ces politiques sur la jeunesse.
- Aid in developing Africa / Aide au développement de l’Afrique.
PAULESI Health Club was launched by the 2018/2019 set. We are a group of students mainly in Master and PhD programs in Reproductive Health Sciences with the main goal of promoting a healthy community (students) in general through health campaigns and awareness programs. As health professionals, we deemed it fit to put our knowledge to use for the service of our immediate community. The objectives of the club is intended to be sustained by the future PAULESI sets. The club activities are being carried out with the financial contribution of each member of the club.
Some of the notable activities organized by the club:
- Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar
- COVID-19 Sensitization and Awareness Program
Community Outreach
- Negotiating with the Student Hall management to set up COVID-19 Safety protocols.
- First Aid Service to sick students and other community members
The Future
We intend to involve other external partners in Ibadan community to promote and maintain community health, as this directly affects the health of the students.
Sports and Exercise Club
The Sports and Exercise club was established in October, 2019 at the Universities dormitories, in Ibadan. The main objectives of the club are:
- To maintain the overall health of the students. This is achieved through control of body weight, having a better sleep and regulation of oxygen and nutrients delivery to the body. Exercising and sports is also aimed at controlling of non-communicable diseases that could be hazardous to the students in the long run
- To provide opportunity for socialization among students. With the Universities dormitories housing students from all around Africa, with different cultures, and languages, the exercise sessions allows interactions and meeting new faces in a relaxed environment.
- To make students happier in a fun environment. The students that come from different countries might find living in Nigeria challenging. With the endorphins that are released during exercise sessions, it helps students cope with stress and ensure students live a happy life whilst pursuing their careers.
The club is mainly led by students from the Sports Science department who have the necessary expertise to ensure the integration of everyone into the activities. The club organizes exercise and sporting sessions every Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 6am to 7 am
Inadequate field space, sporting grounds and sporting equipment are the main setbacks the club is facing.