General Information

The Pan African University (PAU) was established by the African Union in 2009 to improve higher education and research across Africa. A key component to achieving this goal is through knowledge sharing. Collaborations and integration of PAU research outputs is important towards improving learning in Africa, while showcasing the results of AU scholarships and fund supports.

This is the maiden edition of the PAU International conference, where scholars across all PAU Institutes will share research findings to colleagues and faculties through presentations and various engagements. Outputs of innovations will also be displayed, creating learning opportunities among participants to foster robust conversations towards achieving the AU Agenda 2063. 

The conference will achieve the following objectives:

  • knowledge sharing of research findings and innovation outputs across PAU Institutes.
  • interactions among PAU Scholars and facilitation of intellectual engagements.
  • multidisciplinary collaborations and trans-program research productivity.

The hybrid event will be held at PAULESI, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, from November 19 – 21, 2024. While in-person presentations are encouraged, there will be an option for virtual presentations for those unable to travel.


All MSc and PhD scholars across the four PAU Institutes (PAULESI, PAUSTI, PAUGHSS and PAUWES) are expected to participate. 

PAULESI is hosting the event and all students conducting their research in Nigeria will attend physically. Others are to connect virtually.

Additionally, other researchers and postgraduate students from all PAU host Universities (University of Ibadan, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, University of Yaoundé II, Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters and University of Tlemcen) are invited to participate. Lastly, members of the faculty and researchers from government-funded institutions and partner organizations are welcome to the conference.

Thematic Areas for Abstract Submission

To accommodate the programs that are currently being offered across all PAU Institutes and to foster inter-disciplinary engagements among participants from various universities and research institutes, abstracts are invited under the following sub-themes:

  • Water Research, Climate Change and Environmental Management
  • Health Sciences, Biotechnology, Agricultural and Veterinary Research
  • Engineering, Mathematics and Geosciences
  • Governance, Humanities and Policy Development

Information for all PAU Students

  • All PAU Masters and Doctoral students, who have completed their coursework, are encouraged to make presentations on their various research. These include those on internships and others undergoing field work. Those taking coursework will be part of the audience to create an opportunity for robust knowledge sharing and intellectual interactions. Faculty members and other external attendees will also be part of the hybrid engagements.

Upcoming Deadlines

Call for Abstracts 16th September, 2024
Registration Opens16th September, 2024
Abstract Submission Closes1st November, 2024
Abstract Acceptance Letter Responses8th November, 2024

Registration and Abstracts

All intending participants must register and this is completely free. There will be options to select if participants want to submit an abstract or not.

PAU participants: FREE
Non-PAU participants: FREE


The Abstract Review Committee will review and select the abstracts that will be considered for oral presentations. All accepted abstracts from registered participants will be collated in the conference book of abstracts.

Abstracts are expected to be written in English Language and must be a one-page document in Times New Roman font type, size 12 (single line spacing). All abstracts must have clearly worded title (written in bold), reflecting the research idea. Thematic areas must be clearly identified in all submissions. All authors and their affiliations must be included, with corresponding authors asterisked. The active email address(es) of the corresponding author(s) must be provided. Abstracts must not exceed 500 words with a maximum of five keywords. Abstracts should cover the introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions/recommendations.

Registration MUST precede all abstract submission.


Instructions on presentation formats will be provided later when acceptance letters are issued. Oral presentations are allotted a 10-minute time slot. Session moderators will be asked to strictly enforce this time limit. Presentation format must be Microsoft PowerPoint. The 2-3 sentence non-technical summary is a required component as the last slide of the presentation. 

  • If you are a PAU Student, please click here to Register and upload your Abstract
  • If you are not a PAU Student, please click here to Register and upload your Abstract

For all enquiries, please write to

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