Pan African University
Life and Earth Sciences Institute
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Call for Short-term/Part-time Academic Staff 2021 Session for Entrepreneurship
- Background
The Pan African University (PAU) is a flagship Institution of the African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This was the culmination of the decision of the Assembly of Heads of State and Governments of the African Union to create the Pan African University (EX.CL/579(XVII). It has five Institutes namely Life and Earth Sciences (including Health and Agriculture) at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria; Governance, Humanities, and Social Sciences at University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon; Science, Technology and Innovation at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya; Water and Energy (including Climatic change) at University Tlemcen, Algeria and the Institute of Space Sciences, South Africa.The Pan African University Institute of Life and Earth Sciences (PAULESI), is currently offering seven thematic areas as well as other core course units including Entrepreneurship. - Entrepreneurship
The PAU nurtures quality and exemplifies excellence and admits African students from all over the continent including Africans in the Diaspora. Consequently, PAULESI is seeking renowned experts in the field of Entrepreneurship which will be engaged in teaching across various academic programmes offered at PAULESI. - Qualifications and Experiences
The Entrepreneurship course will be offered to both Masters and PhD students. Qualified staff will be expected to participate in teaching/mentoring for agreed periods starting from March 2021. Furthermore, they will be expected to set and mark question scripts at the end of the semester. The language of instruction is English, so applicants must be fluent in English.Applicants must have a minimum of PhD in Business Administration, Business Management, Entrepreneurship or related field and/or Professional qualification in relevant fields. Applicants with both academic and hands on experience are highly desirable. Candidates with PhD Qualifications and prolonged experience in related industry will be an asset. - Remuneration
Remuneration for participation in taught courses is based on an hourly rate of USD80.00 per hour all inclusive.
- Teaching Mode
The teaching mode will be a hybrid: face to face, practical projects and online via the virtual learning platform of the institute. However, due to travel restrictions, online teaching is encouraged. - Application Procedure
In addition to the Cover Letter, applicants are expected to attach current detailed, signed and dated Curriculum Vitae (CV) in pdf format. The CV should among others include qualifications, teaching experience/professional experience, prizes, grants/awards and publications if any. Contact details of three referees. Applicants should also submit copies of certificates and testimonials in pdf format in a single file. - Global Invitation
Applications are invited from qualified candidates from all over Africa, Asia, Europe, and Americas and beyond meeting the qualifications criteria above. Female applicants are encouraged to apply. - Further Information
Further Enquiries should be directed to:The Deputy DirectorPan African University
Institute of Life and Earth Sciences
University of Ibadan
Ibadan, Nigeria
Tel: +234 70 350 15980 or +234 8056962900
Applications should be sent to:
Kindly note that only electronic copies will be accepted.
Closing Date for submission of application is 26th February 2021